So I can't even begin to describe to everyone the week that I have had! It has been the hardest, the funniest, the most stressful, the most exciting week of my life!! I cannot wait for the next weeks to come! I am taking my mission head on and running with it!
So I got here Wednesday afternoon and I got thrown right into a classroom where I met my companion Sister Bowen (She is absolutely amazing!!!) and my district! I never thought that I would be so close to Elders as I am now! We laugh at seriously everything!! The Elders in my district only talk about 3 things. Are you Ready?? 1-Farting 2-Barfing and 3-Explosions!!! Every second of the day! Even in the classroom we will all be studying and reading our scriptures, preparing for a lesson or whatever else we may be doing and Elder Graves (who just graduated High School) will say "Ok...who farted??" HAHAHA Oh my gosh I have never laughed so hard!! Even when we are eating he has some crazy story of the three things that I said earlier! Also we have an Elder who is black...and his name is Elder White!! How funny is that??
Conference was also this weekend!! Wasn't it absolutely amazing?? I have never fully focused on conference until I was here and I wrote a note on every single talk that was given! My favorite was Elder Holland's. OK funny story! So Conference was ending and all of us missionaries were sitting there waiting for Pres. Uchtdorf to announce Elder Holland as the last speaker. So we are sitting there with crossed fingers and hoping that he speaks, as he is announced, every missionary in the gym goes YES! and starts silently clapping! It was so great! I have grown so much in my short time of being a missionary! I am able to focus better and I never thought that I would change that much but being here I have learned to listen to the promptings of the spirit with everything that I have.
So my companion is Sister Bowen and she is from Utah and is so hilarious! We seriously get along with each other so well that we are so comfortable with everything that we do! The first day we were trying to find out where we were going and we got so lost. We ended up wandering in the wrong building for 15-20 minutes. It was so FUNNY! We had no idea where we were going so we ended up asking a janitor for help and she didn't speak english very well so we were all lost together! #awkward!
I hope you all have had a great week! I want to tell you all that if you ever want to just send me a little note there is a website that you can use called and you can find me on the website and send me little notes everyday if you want :) I would love to hear from all of you! Have a great week!!
Sister Rose
p.s I can't figure out how to send pictures so I will try again next week!! I love you all!
I figured out how to send pictures!! Here are some of the week!! :) Love you all
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